The special issue „Translation and Literary Multilingualism“, edited by Daniele Monticelli, Maris Saagpakk, and Anna Verschik, offers a wide range of views on literary multilingualism in translation. The articles examine how the translation of multilingualism silences or amplifies the voices in other languages in literary works, and what attitudes towards languages and multilingualism are reflected in translations. The special issue moves from articles focusing on textual analysis to broader cultural contexts and concludes with articles on the multilingualism of authors and translators as individuals active in the literary field. This is the first special issue that brings together articles addressing various aspects of multilingual translation from multiple cultural areas, comprising 11 research articles from Estonian and international authors. The discussions range geographically from the Caribbean islands to the cultural realms of English, German, Italian, Greek, Swedish, Finnish, Ukrainian, Lithuanian, and Estonian languages.
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