In October and November, Maris Saagpakk has presented her recent research on the literary journal „Meelejahutaja“ at two events in Germany. In October, Saagpakk participated in the conference „Kulturbeziehungen zwischen Deutschland und den Baltischen Ländern 1850–1950. Medien – Institutionen – Akteure“, organized by the academic library of Eutin. In November, she delivered her paper at the seminar organized by the Baltic German Society „Internationale Kulturtage Mare Balticum 2024“. Saagpakk provided an overview of the main characteristics of translation culture in the mid-19th century, using the journal „Meelejahutaja“ as a case study. She examined who was translating, what was translated and how translations were perceived in reviews.

Darmstadt 17.11.2024 Photo: Katrin Vaikmaa